InfoSect's Month of Pointless Bonus Bugs (#31)

InfoSect, Canberra's hackerspace, regularly runs public group sessions to perform code review and vulnerability discovery. Over the next 30 days, I'll highlight the source code of 30 unknown vulnerabilities.

Bonus Bug #31

In the package amideco, which is some kind of ami bios extractor we have a simple stack overfow. Not that useful since it's not running at privs, but maybe in some scenarios it's a client side..

        case 95:
                PartTotal = Xtract95(ptx, HelpID, ConstOff, Offset, argv[1]);
        case 94:


byte Xtract95(FILE *ptx, byte Action, dword ConstOff, dword Offset, byte* fname)

        FILE *pto;
        interfacing interface;
        byte    PartTotal = 0;
        PARTTag part;
        byte    Buf[64];
        byte    MyDirName[64]     =       "--DECO--";
        dword   i;
        byte    sLen = 0;

        byte    doDir   = 0;
        For the case of multiple 0x20 modules
        byte    Multiple = 0, j = 0;

        sLen = StrLen(fname);
        for ( i = sLen; i > 0; i-- )
                if( *(fname + i) == '/' || *(fname + i ) == '\\' ) { i++; break; }

        memcpy(MyDirName, (fname + i), sLen - i);

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