Syed Faraz Abrar
In this blog post, I will provide some details on how the
Chromium developers implemented pointer compression in V8. I will also talk
about what this means from an exploit development perspective.
I’ve been an intern at InfoSect for the past couple of
weeks now, and in this time, I’ve had to do a bunch of security related research
into both V8 and Spidermonkey. One of the things that I spent a short amount of
my time on was pointer compression in V8. I hadn’t heard of the term at all until
Bruno Keith (@bkth_) mentioned it on
twitter some time in December last year. The V8 developers also made a blog post to celebrate V8 v8.0 where they mentioned that implementing pointer compression had allowed
them to save up to 40% in usage of heap memory! That’s a big improvement, so
let’s take a look at what pointer compression is and what it means from an
exploit developer’s perspective.
This is not intended to be an introductory guide by any
means. You are expected to be familiar with JavaScript engine internals, and at
least somewhat familiar with JavaScript engine exploitation.
What is pointer compression?
The V8 heap
Before I get into what pointer compression is, I’ll
briefly talk about what the V8 heap is.
When you create any objects, arrays, or functions (the
latter two are both considered as objects) in JavaScript, they are placed on
the V8 heap. If you’re familiar with Linux exploitation, this heap is not the
same as the region labeled [heap] that you would see in GDB. Instead,
this heap consists of multiple mmapped sections of memory that are usually the
lowest memory mappings in the program. Here is what I mean:

The sections
of memory that have their upper 32 bits set to 0x0000177f are all essentially the V8 heap. Within the source
code, this entire memory space is known as the isolate. As you
can see, these are mapped to the lowest memory addresses, right below the
binary’s text segment mappings. V8’s young generation and old generation both
reside somewhere within these mapped memory regions, and pretty much anything
that is allocate-able in JavaScript, barring some exceptions, is allocated
within this region of memory.
The thing to
notice here is that the upper 32 bits of this entire heap is always the same
per run. The 0x0000177f
value will change between multiple runs, but within a single run, only the
lower 32 bits will differ between different objects on the heap.
Pointer compression
When V8 didn’t have pointer compression, any pointers
in the V8 heap that pointed to other objects in the V8 heap would be stored as
64-bit pointers. Now, if you think about it, this is essentially a waste, since
the upper 32 bits of every single pointer would be the same, so storing the upper 32 bits with every single pointer doesn’t make sense. It would be better to store the lower 32 bits within the heap, and only store the upper 32 bits once through some other means.
The Chromium team thought about this and ended up
deciding to implement pointer compression for the V8 heap. Their design
decisions are documented in this
Essentially, they ended up deciding to take the upper
32 bits of the V8 heap’s memory space (known as the isolate root) and storing
it in one specific register (R13) that they decided to call the root
register. Now, any pointers
in the V8 heap are 32-bit pointers that only store the lower 32 bits of their
actual 64-bit address.
Note – in the case of the above example, the isolate
root would be 0x0000177f00000000
This is what
pointer compression is. The pointers on the heap are compressed when they point
to somewhere else in the V8 heap. Any time they need to be accessed, the isolate
root that is stored in the root register is simply added to the compressed
32 bit address stored in the V8 heap, and then subsequently dereferenced.
A downside to this
is that the V8 heap can not be any greater than 4 GB as that is the maximum limit
of a 32-bit address space. This is fine for browsers, as the heap doesn’t need
to be greater than 4 GB anyway. It becomes a problem with things like node.js
that require larger heaps. Because of this, pointer compression is disabled for
node.js until a better solution can be figured out.
You can see some
implementation details of pointer compression in V8 in the following files:
What does this mean for exploitation?
Well, to start off with, there isn’t really an easy way
to leak the isolate root (upper 32 bits of the V8 heap memory space)
through JS, but if you think about it, there really isn’t a need to do that in
the first place.
If you can massage a vulnerability into addrof and fakeobj primitives, you can fake a JSArray and control the elements pointer to
gain arbitrary r/w primitives. The catch here is that these primitives would
only let you perform arbitrary reads and writes within the V8 heap. Why you ask?
Because the elements pointer of a JSArray stores a 32-bit compressed pointer, and if you change
it to an arbitrary 32-bit memory address, performing reads and writes using
this elements pointer will cause V8 to add the isolate root to the
32-bit address each time, meaning you are stuck within the V8 heap no matter
what you do.
The way around this
is to then go the classic route of allocating an ArrayBuffer on the V8 heap and overwriting its
backing store to an arbitrary 64-bit memory address. Then, performing reads and
writes with it using either a TypedArray or a DataView object will grant you an arbitrary r/w primitive within the entire 64-bit
address space.
The reason this
works is because the backing stores of array buffers are allocated using PartitionAlloc (I’m not entirely sure if this is still
the case, but this was the case approximately 3-4 years ago, and I haven’t seen
anything to suggest that it has changed). All PartitionAlloc allocations go on a separate memory region
that is not within the V8 heap. This means that the backing store pointer needs
to be stored as an uncompressed 64-bit pointer, since its upper 32 bits are not
the same as the isolate root and thus have to be stored with the
In conclusion, pointer compression as it has been
implemented currently only ever so slightly affects exploitation in the sense
that all tagged pointers stored on the V8 heap now only take up 32 bits, which
means you’ll need two separate pairs of arbitrary r/w primitives: one pair for performing
arbitrary r/w within the V8 heap using a fakeobj (or similar) primitive, and
another pair for performing arbitrary r/w elsewhere using the backing store of
an ArrayBuffer.