Forensics Bugs (#2 rifitui)
rifitui is a tool to recover Windows recycle bins.
int currrecoff;
int recordsize;
pread( info2_file, fourbytes, 4, 0x0C );
recordsize = bah_to_i( fourbytes, 4 );
record = malloc( recordsize );
while (eof == 0) {
res = pread( info2_file, record, recordsize, currrecoff );
if (res < recordsize) {
eof = 1;
} else {
filename = record + 0x04;
int currrecoff;
int recordsize;
pread( info2_file, fourbytes, 4, 0x0C );
recordsize = bah_to_i( fourbytes, 4 );
record = malloc( recordsize );
while (eof == 0) {
res = pread( info2_file, record, recordsize, currrecoff );
if (res < recordsize) {
eof = 1;
} else {
filename = record + 0x04;
index = bah_to_i( record+0x108, 4 );
drive = bah_to_i( record+0x10C, 4 );
deltime = win_time_to_unix( record+0x110 );
deltm = localtime( &deltime );
year = deltm->tm_year + 1900;
mon = deltm->tm_mon + 1;
sprintf( ascdeltime, "%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", mon, deltm->tm_mday, year, deltm->tm_hour, deltm->tm_min, deltm->tm_sec );
filesize = bah_to_i( record+0x118, 4 );
printf( "%d%s%s%s%d%s%s%s%d\n", index, delim, ascdeltime, delim, drive, delim, filename, delim, filesize );
currrecoff = currrecoff + recordsize;
It's not a big bug, but file offsets should probably be 64bit off_t and not int types. There is potential for integer overflows and other issues.